Helio meaning
Helio meaning

helio meaning

He proposed " Heliophysics Science Division", which has been in use since then. Fisher, then Director of the Sun-Earth Connections Division of NASA's Science Mission Directorate, was challenged by the NASA administrator to come up with a concise new name for his division that "had better end on 'physics'".

helio meaning

"Heliophysics environmental science, a unique hybrid between meteorology and astrophysics, comprising a body of data and a set of paradigms (general laws-perhaps mostly still undiscovered) specific to magnetized plasmas and neutrals in the heliosphere interacting with themselves and with gravitating bodies and their atmospheres."Īround 2007, Richard R. As an early advocate of the newly expanded meaning, George Siscoe offered the following characterization: Thompson at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center adopted the term in their preparations of what became known as the International Heliophysical Year (2007–2008), following 50 years after the International Geophysical Year in adopting the term for this purpose, they expanded its meaning to encompass the entire domain of influence of the Sun (the heliosphere). As such it was a direct translation from the French "héliophysique" and the Russian "гелиофизика". In English-language scientific literature prior to about 2002, the term heliophysics was sporadically used to describe the study of the "physics of the Sun".

helio meaning

In 1990, the Higher Attestation Commission, responsible for the advanced academic degrees in Soviet Union and later in Russia and the Former Soviet Union, established a new specialty “Heliophysics and physics of solar system”. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia third edition (1969-1978) defines “Heliophysics” as “ a division of astrophysics that studies physics of the Sun". Term “heliophysics” (Russian: “гелиофизика”) was widely used in Russian-language scientific literature.

helio meaning

Heliophysics combines the science of the Sun, corona, heliosphere and geospace, and encompasses a wide variety of astronomical phenomena, including " cosmic rays and particle acceleration, space weather and radiation, dust and magnetic reconnection, nuclear energy generation and internal solar dynamics, solar activity and stellar magnetic fields, aeronomy and space plasmas, magnetic fields and global change", and the interactions of the Solar System with the Milky Way Galaxy. It is primarily concerned with the magnetosphere, ionosphere, thermosphere, mesosphere, and upper atmosphere of the Earth and other planets. Heliophysics concentrates on the Sun's effects on Earth and other bodies within the Solar System, as well as the changing conditions in space. NASA defines heliophysics as "(1) the comprehensive new term for the science of the Sun - Solar System Connection, (2) the exploration, discovery, and understanding of Earth's space environment, and (3) the system science that unites all of the linked phenomena in the region of the cosmos influenced by a star like our Sun." Heliophysics (from the prefix " helio", from Attic Greek hḗlios, meaning Sun, and the noun " physics": the science of matter and energy and their interactions) is the physics of the Sun and its connection with the Solar System.

Helio meaning movie#

Movie showing the NASA heliophysics missions from near-Earth orbit out to the orbit of the Moon

Helio meaning